Sunday, June 5, 2016

Western Electric King Snake Power Cord

Western Electric King Snake Power Cord

High current high power Western Electric King Snake Power Cord is made for audiophiles seeking for grand scale, authority and unlimited power delivery. It is very suitable to be used for high power amplifiers or power distributors.

* Uses Western Electric 14mm2 wax cable

* Finished cable is ~22mm diameter 
* Weights ~1.5KG a piece
* Uses used hospital grade Hubbell 8215C and high current OFC sockets/pluges
* Limited quantity due to scarcity of the 14mm2 Western Electric wax cable 

2M length, U$220/pc

Important notes:
* This WE cable is thicker and harder due to the size of the cables.
* The head and tail cannot be bent as what usual cables.
* User must reserve sufficient space at the back to enable plugging in of this WE power cable (similar to NBS power cords).

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